계약 > 계약서 샘플 영문 운송계약서(BAY OF BENGAL_JAPAN_BAY OF BENGAL CONFERENCE의 운송인과 일반하주)
이용등급 유료회원

BAY OF BENGAL_JAPAN_BAY OF BENGAL CONFERENCE의 구성회사(운송인)와 일반하주와의 운송계약서(영문) 예제 입니다.

The purpose of this Agreement made between ..................................................... hereinafter called the SHIPPER, and the Members of the BAY OF BENGAL/JAPAN/BAY OF BENGAL CONFERENCE hereinafter called the CARRIERS, is to assure to the Shipper on the one hand frequent and regular opportunities by the vessels of the Carriers for the carriage of his cargoes, stable rates of freight and uniform conditions of carriage, whereas the Carriers on the other hand will benefit from the assurance of the Shipper´s continued support so long as this Agreement continues in force. Furthermore, the Shppier shall, in consideration of confining all his cargoes to the Carriers, be entitled to the bendifit of the Contract rates of freight.

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